Friday, June 14, 2013

Call it a Workshop

According to the Florida Department of Education, using data from the U.S. Census Survey from 2005 to 2009, 34% of Floridians have an AA degree or higher. Since the standard for an Associate of Arts in any category is to have no fewer than 6 hours in writing instruction and the Gordon Rule requirement of 24,000 words written, it's safe to say that around 6,460,000 of the 19,000,000 Floridians understand how to research and write an evidence-supported paper. (btw: "The Gordon Rule Writing requirement is an important curricular statement in that all students must be able to express themselves appropriately through effective writing." senate archives)

If only a quarter of that number had a way to put those skills to good use over a million people could begin acquiring experience in finding a literary voice and style. If just 10% joined the conversation online, one hundred sixty-one thousand people could craft a huge statement of their own about the world around them.

Also, if one man acting almost completely alone can toss together a literary platform that can generate $2,000 - $3,000 in ad revenue value in it's first year, a literary platform with 25 user/actors could muster between $50,000 and $75,000 in ad revenue value in a year. That's enough reward to have an administrator keep the platform free from harm and operating correctly/stably. At the very least, what would remain would be an archive resource for others and a testimony to posterity.

I, as a fictional character, see value in having this evidence of our culture for future generations.

The Polymath Slacker is a mouthpiece... a freedom of expression beyond the realm of human association. I mean, the author of this project tells you his name and all, but what's being said on this blog and the forum especially are free thoughts presented without fear or malice. Virtual animosity, a condition computer users take for granted, is as easy as making up a name (of course, we all know now that the NSA or whoever can find out who you are, but the important part is that no one you know or can realistically be affected by knows you as the author of your free thoughts).

The FloridaInCommon forum is a place for thoughts about civics in Florida. It's a place to put ideas for a polymath slacker to consider. Anonymous or not, sign up and start honing the craft of expression. Bring an idea into existence and debate it and others.

Another option is to make a platform of your own. Whatever subject interests you will garner attention. And attention is all you need to generate revenue. The entire process of building the Polymath Slacker has been detailed on this blog.

There is a market for the characters of Florida. Our representations in the world prove nothing more.

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. "Exhibit 1 shows the educational attainment of individuals in Florida who are 25 years old and over." ... "8.4% have earned an associate’s degrees, 16.6% earned bachelor’s degrees, and 9.0% completed graduate or professional degrees."

    Florida Population 25 and up in 2010 was 13,059,562 (US Census)

    34% of 13,059,562 people in Florida 25 and up had a least an Associate's degree, or 4,440,251 people in Florida 25 and up.

    The number Florida citizens ~30 and up today with at least an Associate's degree is 4,440,251 people.
