Friday, January 18, 2013


I told myself a while ago that I wanted to hold my first book in my hands at age 35. My 36th birthday is in a couple weeks, so I'm learning a little bit about deadlines.

I've written as a hobby my whole life, and I've approached it much like I've approached everything. I mean, the name of a significant portion of this actual state registered, EIN holding, limited liability company includes the moniker "Polymath Slacker." So, that's a clue.

I made this video stating that my intention with this project was to create a new genre. I have since come to realize that the genre has existed for some time, only the capability of an individual to join the market is new.

All the ways to set down a thought in writing are flawed... it's the whole allure of the field for some people, but also the reason many "thinkers" don't write. There are all sorts of fallacies in the communication of thoughts. Some people are hyper-logical. Some are ideological. Still others take whatever thought to the most radical or absurd extreme. And good ideas end up being noise.

Over the last few decades, and still today, people are hard at work in the industry of producing better and more interesting trivia. Better T.V. shows. Better vignettes. Better comic books. What have you.

Media interests then decide what fits their agenda and market niche, or that of their clients, and the world goes 'round and 'round.

The genre I have in mind involves the tools of this process, but significantly amateur-izes it.

By using an online message board, with multiple characters expressing multiple flawed ideas, and flawed expressions of good ideas, I have managed to create a space to consider more relevant, durable subjects (eg. civics) over time.

On I have entertained many ideas regarding the civic structure of the state of Florida, a relevant, durable subject I can reflect on over time- with either passing thoughts of my own or random ones I hear in the conversations I see, hear and read about every day.

I use the Palm Beach Post newspaper and Twitter for most of my news gathering (wikipedia for research), and I buy a newspaper in virtually every city I visit, just so I can keep a broad perspective on my subject.

Today, any person can rise to prominence based on their perspective using these tools to reach other people... and that is something worth saying. My goal with this project is to inspire others to develop their topics and start collaboration with the time they currently use updating their facebook page or plotting criminal enterprises. I'm not saying 'don't use facebook' of course (a-hem). But I am saying 'do this too.'

Multi-media is in the hands of the people, and accessible by the people. I hope a few people will direct at least some of their energy to working together to solve (or at least understand) problems.

Thanks for reading.

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